Change is possible.
Are you paralyzed by our multiple crises?
Do you feel too small for big solutions?
Do you feel fear?
Absolutely understandable. But not necessary.
You are the change.
After 28 years in the bicycle industry and 33 years of repairing bicycles, it's over with the bicycle topic. It's time to let go. The journey was exciting and adventurous, but now I'm continuing on foot. High up in the mountains, I can't make any progress on my bike. The volcano that I want to climb, that I have to climb, offers spectacular views and a primal force that I always suspected but never thought was really possible. I would like to thank everyone who supported me and accompanied me so far on my bike journey. I would also like to thank all of the opponents who put obstacles in my way, tested and challenged me, attacked me and denigrated me. Without you, I would not have reached the point so quickly where I am now. Pain is an excellent catalyst and a shortcut to inner growth. Without all of you, I would not know who I really am and who I want to be. I recommend to all of you: leave your comfort zone. Yes, then comes the fear zone, that's right. But once you've crossed that, you'll enter the learning zone. And when you hit the growth phase, believe me: you'll never want to go back to your old comfort zone. Life is far too short for that. And the only thing that really counts.
This website will gradually include my further journey.
09/16/2024 Nikolaj Mosch

Discover your full potential.
Find your energy and balance.
Solve any crisis.
Change perspective.
Repair your lost connections.

There is a Tony Stark in each of us!
Move your boundaries.
Reconnect to nature.
Practice empathy.

Bicycle expertise
🚲 More than 25 years in bicycle industry.
🚲 More than 10.000 bicycles repaired.
🚲 5 years bike upcycling bicycle experience.
🚲 Circular bike pionier.
🚲 German Design Award Winner 2024.
🚲 Double finalist Eurobike Award program.
🚲 Nominated for the Green Good Award.
🚲 First bicycle ever in the German Avocadostore.
🚲 Disruptive, provoking, changing.
Bicycle topic is over after 28 years now